Unlocking Secrets of Prompts
Yesterday, I thought a bit about some the parallels between writing prompts for generative AI and trying elicit discoveries about other human-made technologies. It so happens that I was listening to Michael Spector’s new audiobook, Higher Animals, that covers synthetic biology, fantastic parallel.
What happens when you edit snippets of genes? We have ideas on what gains of function we can attain but it’s not always guaranteed.
What can make or break the impaction and adoption of a technology is the ability to iterate quickly and assess different hypotheses. With generative AI, you can have the have the technology assess its own creation and determine. It’s almost like suggested searches in Google before you actually search, or have the results pre-populate.
Increasing the speed of iterative improvements should be the base for any new technology development.
Hat tip to Brian Roemmele and his blog where he outlines in greater detail how to develop magical “superprompts”.