Ubi Speaks, Amazon Echoes
Last week, Amazon released a product called Echo. A lot of our friends, customers and media have been emailing us, asking what we think of Amazon’s announcement.
We think the version of the product that Amazon portrays appears well designed and we want to thank them for validating the vision and product we’ve had for some time. We’re a bit flattered.
Ubi is a leader in ubiquitous computing. When it was launched, we made waves by offering a new way of interacting with the world. Voice interaction with the environment has long been depicted in science fiction and has been a dream of many.
Before the Ubi, there were a lot of questions about whether such a device had use in our homes. The world was ready for a device that’s always on and that you can talk to freely and the Ubi is that device.
Our plan for the Ubi goes far beyond the current hardware that we offer.
We believe in a future where you can walk into any environment and interact with it just like a conversation. We want to bring to life the voice of the Internet. We welcome working together with others to bring this future closer.
The Ubi can do many things now through voice in your home and we’re working on many great things to come. All of this is available today to the thousands of people with an Ubi and to those wishing to buy one at theubi.com.
We look forward to the world of ubiquitous computing that’s continuing to evolve and hope you’ll be a part of it.
Leor Grebler, CEO …and all of Team Ubi