The Problem With A Race To The Bottom
… is that you might win. Or worse, come in second place. This is a common adage from Seth Godin.
Another adage, this time by Peter Drucker, is what get’s measured gets managed. Then comes the ratchet to get to one end or another of that metric. The most features, the least error, the cheapest, the highest profit.
The two measures that are probably the most fitting both in life and in business are: good enough and the only.
If you’re the only one (or almost the only one) who can do what you can do, then you’re not haggling over price or constantly having to prove your worth. In everything else that doesn’t make you the only one, you can be good enough.
Sometimes, good enough is still a very high standard. Even at a high end restaurants, the dishes need to be clean. But no one will come to a restaurant because the dishes are clean. They’re going to come in droves because it’s the only one.
Let’s figure out how we can show ourselves as being the only. We’re worth it.