The First Rule of CrossFit

Is that you talk about CrossFit

Leor Grebler
Aug 16, 2022
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CrossFit is designed to spread. To use the Seth Godin adage from his book Unleashing the IdeaVirus: ideas that spread, win. And CrossFit has won big. It was a fitness revolution that had sharing and community built in.

You go to CrossFit classes. You post your personal records. You compete. You talk about. You discuss strategies for lifting a giant tire. You get ready for the next event. And, you have results to show to your non-CrossFit friends.

Beyond spreading being built into the product, CrossFit also gets its members more challenged so they’re less likely to churn. It is constantly pushing its members to do more.

These same qualities can be designed into products to make them more viral.



Leor Grebler
Leor Grebler

Written by Leor Grebler

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