Tell Me Twice

Leor Grebler
Jan 31, 2021
Screenshot from The Hunt for Red October

Our Google Home Mini has trouble hearing. It’s nearly exclusive use is as a kitchen timer. Being screen-less and having indiscernible lights, it’s not the ideal device for this. However, what makes it worse is that it seems to perform poorly with multiple speakers when timers are trying to be set.

The result is that my kitchen sounds like a submarine bridge with the commands being relayed between family members.

Captain: “OK Google, set a timer for 5 minutes.”

First officer: “Hey Google, set a 5 minute timer.”

Google Assistant: “5 minute timer starting now”

First officer: “5 minute timer set”

At some point, I’m going to replace this device. It’s right now a placeholder for when I have enough effort to implement a better solution.



Leor Grebler

Independent daily thoughts on all things future, voice technologies and AI. More at