Siloes of Culture
Seth Godin recently answered a question I posed to him on generative AI causing us to grow into more and more siloes. You can check it out here.
He acknowledges that the scaling of generated content might make the water cooler conversations nonexistent and that things will get “weird”. The last episode Mash was seen by 1 of 3 Americans, now something that gets 1% is a huge hit.
Seth also says that new versions of reality will conflate the issue. He doesn’t share that things are necessarily going to fall apart, but that it will be a shift in our culture.
Previously, I thought about this in two articles:
With GPT3 now being recognized by the masses, we’re soon going to be entering that era of mass customization. It’s going to get weird and we’re still going to need the tools to check for authenticity of content creation and facts. Otherwise, it would just be culture we’re worried about but our collective sanity.
Thanks again to Seth for answering my question!