Pizza Nuggets
My brother sent me two Facebook pages that have illustrated us moving in the direction of AI-generated content. Of course, “first, they ridicule” applies in this context.
The first, AI-Generated Nonsense puts together video generation with strange artifacts to make nightmare-like versions of 1990s commercials. Their commercials expand on the creepiness already a part of normal 1990s ads. Another Facebook page, Weird AI Generations, also highlights creepily generated AI as part of its collection, though not as videos.
While not exactly generating tailored content, the videos show people starting to create short clips of funny scenarios, even if they’re still creepy. John Cena wolfing down ice cream or The Rock eating rocks are entertaining. The 1990s commercial on Pizza Nuggets seemed to also capture the style of ads.
So, while we now laugh at these, others are using the same capabilities from AI tools to democratize (a Peter Diamandis term) content creation. Corridor Crew showed how they used new generative tools to reduce workflow from several months to several days.
These creepy videos are a step closer to our slightly less creepy future.