I Think You Mean…

If you’re going to think about what I mean, don’t make the same wrong assumptions twice.

Leor Grebler
1 min readMar 29, 2019

Alexa corrected me. I asked “Play Gillian Hall” and it responded “I think you mean turn on the hall lights, is that right?” No. That’s not what I wanted. All of a sudden, the song Zou Bisou Bisou was stuck in my head (you know, the one sung by Megan to Don Draper on his 40th birthday in Mad Men).

I had asked a few times but got the same response. Alexa, if you’re ASKING me and I say it’s not, why do you still ask? Especially that I had the “play” intent. It should have been able to differentiate between “turn on” vs wanting to play music.

It turns out I was wrong with the artist’s name. It was Gillian Hill, not Hall.

If a device is playing smart by asking us questions that are considerate, we ge even more disappointed when we realize it’s a rouse.



Leor Grebler

Independent daily thoughts on all things future, voice technologies and AI. More at http://linkedin.com/in/grebler