Emotional Choices
When I was a child, I wanted to be an inventor. While many childhood desires fall aside as people grow, this desire stayed with me. While it’s been a long time in the works, I can now call myself an inventor of “inventions” in the sense that an invention is something that the US Patent Office labels as such. The first invention was based on The Ubi and was filed over 10 years ago. The kid me was thinking about something that had gears in it, in this instance, it’s a bunch of diagrams and text — and I don’t even own the IP.
The new invention suggests actions to a contact center agent based on an emotion analysis of the customer. You can check it out here.
Patents are weird. They’re ideas that are public but yet protected from being put into practice without the threat of being sued by others. Suing is weird too. So, maybe this is the reason why seeing the patent being granted gives me a positive but weird feeling.
Congrats to fellow inventors Jessica Li, William Zhao, and Ankit Pat! It was a lot of fun putting this together based on a hackathon idea.