Amazon Dash-ed Hopes

Leor Grebler
2 min readOct 26, 2022


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I ran out of laundry detergent and it immediately made me remember the Amazon Dash Button. I never used one, but in its place I need to now add laundry detergent to the shopping list and remember to check the list when I’m at the store or ordering online.

I’m not sure if Amazon Dash Fulfillment had the same revolutionary impact as Amazon and consumers hoped. When I would receive a monthly Amazon Prime delivery, it seemed to require constant pruning and my consumption habits never really lined up with what I was ordering. Additionally, items would sometimes be out of stock meaning that I’d need to pick up from a store. If I’d run out before the order arrived, or the order was delayed — just a headache.

This problem has consistently plagued me. Despite having a meal plan for the week, just a little variation from a regular fulfillment order or menu request means a trip to a store and much of the planning not having a great time saving impact.

Understanding how we consume items and what leads to variation week to week seems like a hidden opportunity for companies to profit. If a startup can do this well, they’ll be a good acquisition target for Amazon, Walmart, or other large retailers.



Leor Grebler

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